allergy medications: Animals and Diseases

Animals and the disease is so special significance for people who own or have frequent contact with pets. One of the most popular myths about the disease in humans and animals that are mutually exclusive. Not so, allergy medications, . Common childhood diseases like measles and mumps can be purchased and transferred to pets. There are many other similar well.Several parasitic infections such as pinworms, tapeworms, nematodes and can spread to domestic animals. Cats can transmit ringworm, as well as Cat Scratch Fever.

The latter can be transferred scratches, not only that, but the bite or licking.Cats also and above all the dogs can also transmit tapeworms in humans. Usually, the victims of young children who are in contact with the, allergy medications, parasite while playing in the, allergy medications, mud contaminated with feces or cat roundworms dog.Symptoms include coughing, recurrent fever, and the slight loss of appetite. Dogs can also transmit heartworm to humans. There are no symptoms, but normal X-rays show lesion.

Scabies lung mites, which live in the hair of cats, dogs, rabbits, can attach to people, causing itching, skin rash with pimples. The treatment is repeated washings with cream curative and thorough cleaning of the house and all allergic reactions furnishings.Typical hair or dander (dandruff particles that fall from the skin, feathers or hair) including runny nose, watery eyes and itching eyes, and sometimes red or itchy rash. If allergic asthma, you can begin to experience shortness of breath and held chest.

Treatment for an allergic reaction may include antihistamine tablets and nasal spray or light for emergency assistance. Continued assistance may be made desensitization injections of a substance that causes symptoms. Starting with a weak solution, the dose is gradually increased during the week, until a firm decision, and while the patient is safely on their effects.Special treatment of complications of asthma include theophylline preparations or other drugs, such as terbutaline and cromolyn sodium, which can be taken in pill form or Spray spray.

Apes and monkeys are known to carry tuberculosis, encephalitis, measles, yellow fever, hepatitis, salmonellosis, allergy medications, . Pet turtles are considered the major source of Salmonella. The birds can transmit Psittacosis (Parrot Fever), and encephalitis. People who handle birds, allergy medications, can develop respiratory allergies, known as bird breeder's lung. There are many other animal allergies. Continued exposure often worsens allergy.Bites animals can transmit the infection or rabies and should always be reported to your doctor.

The risk of infection can be greatly reduced by washing the wound with soap under warm running water for 10 minutes. If bitten by a bat, skunk, fox, dog or cat, you must follow the normal precautions rabies.To to minimize the risk of disease, infection or trauma, avoid close contact such as kissing or PET can take food from, allergy medications, the mouth. Take your pet for regular veterinary checks and ensure that the vaccinations are up to date. Keep your pet clean and clean and to keep children away from areas where animals defecate.

Children should also avoid pet wild animals. Squirrels, squirrels, squirrels, and they tend to bite when

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